I Was in a Multi-Car Accident: Who Pays My Damages?

Multiple car collisions happen very often in the United States. In 2019, more than 1.9 million people were injured or killed in car accidents, an estimated average of over 5,300 per day.

Multi-vehicle accidents usually happen on highways, where hundreds, if not thousands, of vehicles move at high speed. Chain car accidents can occur due to factors like tough weather conditions, speeding, or driver distraction.

While the reasons can vary, the damages in a multi-car collision are enormous and require proper legal action. Of course, when you’re faced with such a problematic, immediate response – ideally from a reputable provider – legal action is a must, especially with damages at hand.

Read on to learn who pays for multi-car accident damages and who is at fault in such cases.

Insurance Companies and Multi-Car Accidents

Numerous drivers who have been involved in a multi-car accident will need to collaborate with their insurance agency to manage the damage claim. During your most vulnerable times, an insurance company may try to settle your claim at the lowest price. Paying for the cost of the claims may be difficult to work out, even if the circumstances are straightforward and clear.

When more cars are involved in a collision, proving liability is usually more complicated than when two cars are involved. Who did what – and when – is what insurance companies would like to know when investigating the accident.

Who Pays in a Multi-Car Collision?

In multi-car accidents, it is usually the driver responsible for the accident who pays the damages. But often, things are not that easy and depend on the police report and witness statements as well.

The simple answer is that the at-fault driver’s insurance should cover all damages of the collision. But, in a situation with multiple negligent drivers, several drivers can be at fault and should split the damage cover.

In such cases, an experienced car accident attorney is necessary. In multi-car crashes, one driver may need to claim against multiple parties related to the vehicle and all injured parties.

Injuries and Multi-Car Accidents

First off, it is important to understand who is responsible for the accident. The case is less complex to manage if there are no injured people in the accident and if the responsible party is obvious and takes the blame for the occurrence.

When there are injured victims, medical intervention takes place, and the report of the first responders will ultimately be considered for a possible claim. Assigning fault requires relevant details and evidence for each person involved and/or injured in the accident.

Hiring a lawyer and making a case is very important for compensation purposes because there might be the need to file a claim against multiple parties.

Awareness of Driving Safely

There are times when the worst scenarios happen, and you are injured due to other people’s negligence.

If that is the case, do not hesitate to reach out to Haffner Law and make the legal process easy. Our team provides maximum legal support in a multi-car accident, and we ensure our victim-clients get the compensation they deserve.

With a personal commitment to your case, your claim is our priority. Contact us today to learn more!
