What’s the Difference Between Wrongful Death and a Survivor Claim?
The passing of a loved one is always a heartbreaking, difficult situation to overcome. But these already troubling events are made even more difficult when the death is brought on by the negligent or reckless actions of another party.
Although no amount of money will ever replace the life that was lost, there are ways for surviving family members to get the financial help and justice they deserve.
Taking legal action against the liable party in these cases can be highly beneficial. But if you’re at the point where you’re prepared to file a suit, you may be wondering about the difference between wrongful death and a survivor claim. Below, the lawyers at Haffner Law break down what you need to know.
Wrongful Death Claims
After the passing of a loved one, the surviving family members may have the right to take legal action against the liable individual or parties. These wrongful death claims allow family members to seek compensation for damages like lost income the deceased would have earned, medical bills pertaining to the deceased’s healthcare, and loss of consortium or companionship.
These types of claims can be filed by a few surviving parties. In general, these parties include the following:
- The spouse
- The children
- The parents
Survivor Claims
Survival claims, on the other hand, focus on the suffering the deceased went through while he or she was still alive, rather than the damages the surviving family members were made to suffer after the decedent’s passing.
This type of claim is similar to a personal injury claim the deceased might have filed while he or she was still alive, except it still benefits surviving family members.
Call a Wrongful Death Lawyer at Haffner Law
If you recently lost a loved one due to the negligence of another party and you’re wondering about the difference between wrongful death and survivor claims, turn to our team at Haffner Law. Our lawyers are highly knowledgeable in this area of the law, and we would be happy to answer any questions you have.
To set up a free initial consultation, give us a call today at 1-844-HAFFNER (423-3637) or fill out our online contact form below.